BANKRUPTCY / major changes in Lithuanian bankruptcy law
2019-06-13 / Lithuania has adopted a substantially edited bankruptcy law, to come into force in 2020. Changes include amended definition on what qualifies as insolvency, procedural changes that will have immense effect on the bankruptcy procedure and potentially not so welcome consequences for creditors.
CIVIL PROCEDURE / recordings to prove contract content
2019-04-25 / Contracting parties can make recordings of conversations to prove the content of the contract and protect their rights. Such recording would not violate personal data protection. Click for more info.
COMMERCIAL LAW / trade secrets
2019-02-22 / Have you received interesting commercial information from the other party during negotiations or upon carrying out the contract? Be careful: you may be forbidden from using or disclosing this information to others, even if no confidentiality agreement was signed. Click for more info.
EMPLOYMENT LAW / termination of employment
2019-02-10 / Under certain circumstances even a gross breach of work duties, which usually constitutes a ground for immediate termination of employment contract under the Lithuanian Labour Code, might not be enough to justify the dismissal of the employee. Click for more info.
BANKRUPTCY / liability for damages to creditors
2018-11-23 / In cases dealing with potential intentional bankruptcies the courts lay the burden of proof on the director of the company prove that the bankruptcy wat not intentional. Click for more info.
COMMERCIAL LAW / new law on trade secrets
2018-04-23 / A new Law on Protection of Commercial Secrets was passed by the Lithuanian parliament implementing EU Directive No 2016/943 on the protection of undisclosed know-how and business information (trade secrets) against their unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure. Click for more info.
2019-10-28 / Our partner Rimante Tamulyte is moderating the LegalTalk Contract Automation: First Step in your LegalTech Journey, organized by Women@Law LT. Contract automation is one of the #legaltech hottest topics. It is a perfect example of how law and technology can create a useful synergy and reduce or in some cases even eliminate monotonous lawyers’ work. In the nearest future contract automation tools are expected to get lawyers’ daily work into high gear and create time-saving and cost-friendly legal solutions for business.
2019-10-17 / Our partner Rimante Tamulyte is participating as a speaker at a panel discussion CV and motivational letter: advantages in law sphere, organized by ELSA Lietuva Vilnius group.
2019-06-01 / Our associate Arminas Magyla will present lecture on Copyright for members and guests of Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association and Lithuanian Composer‘s Union. The lecture shall include practical tips on licencing and copyright contracts, fundamental differences of possible cooperation models, most common mistakes and more.
2019-05-08 / Our partner Rimante Tamulyte has participated in a round-table discussion regarding next generation lawyers in the job market W@LawLT Lunch Talk. Next generation lawyers – challenge vs. success.
2019-04-24 / Our partner Rimante Tamulyte participated as a speaker at a panel discussion L@w Legal internship in Lithuania and abroad, organized by ELSA Lietuva Vilnius group.
2019-04-19 / Our expert Konstantin Ivanov has participated as a speaker at the International conference Law Spring in Minsk, Belarus.
2018-12-13 / Our partner Rimante Tamulyte is continuing the tradition to participate in the EHRMCC and is judging in the 7th edition of the European Human Rights Moot Court Competition, held in cooperation of Council of Europe and ELSA. The oral rounds of the competition take place in the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg.